GetThru Staycation
Retreat branding

‘Staycation’ Virtual REtreat

Although GetThru is already a fully remote company, 2020 forced them to make one of the few in-person events they have, virtual. This creates new challenges, and forces employees to alter their home life match the schedule of a retreat, which can be tough for some households.

Because of this, the planning committee came up with the retreat theme, “staycation”. Their hope was that employees would treat the somewhat draining, extra time connected to virtual retreat meetings more like a holiday. GetThru even offered to reimburse employees for hotel or Airbnb’s booked and allowed special expenses to help make the virtual retreat more relaxing.

Sketches and Digital Lettering

With this theme in mind, I was excited about the possibilities for a retreat logo and brand. I wanted to make it feel warm and cozy, and loved the opportunity to use my illustration and hand lettering skills. With the help of my Lead Designer, we came up with the cozy cabin and
script hand-lettered logo.

Retreat Swag

With the expenses saved by having such little travel for this retreat, we were able to work on some really fun swag that also fit in with the staycation theme. We added our brand to a picnic blanket, beanie and tote bag, and included things like socks, snacks and a coloring book. Our hope was to create a great gift for employees that would encourage them to relax in what has been an incredibly stressful year.